Are there many types of dry eye?
There are two principal types of dry eye; tear inadequate dry eye and evaporative dry eye. Tear insufficient dry eye happens when tears don’t contain sufficient water. Evaporative dry eye, the more overwhelming type of dry eye, happens when tears vanish from the eye’ surface and prompts dryness.
Dry Eye is a complex condition that develops when the eye doesn’t produce enough tears.
Are there many types of dry eye?
There are two primary types of dry eye; tear inadequate dry eye and evaporative dry eye. Tear lacking dry eye happens when tears don’t contain sufficient water. Evaporative dry eye, the more dominating type of dry eye, happens when tears dissipate from the eye’ surface and prompts dryness.
Is evaporative dry eye connected with MGD?
Indeed. Meibomian Gland Disease is a type of evaporative dry eye. The meibomian organs are situated in the eyelids. The organs contain oils that are urgent to keeping a solid visual (eye) surface. The oil makes a lipid layer over the tears to hold them back from dissipating. In the event that the meibomian organs are not making sufficient oil, the removes dry quickly and that prompts the dry eye side effects.